I Technology addic
Technology addiction. Technology has caused and invaded the daily lives of individuals by being unable to do without it. Eliminate privacy barriers, as technology evolves penetration more sophisticated. People tend to be introverted and isolated, and contact with friends and family has declined. Excessive use of technology leads to impaired development of the nervous system in children. Check crafts and artistic touches on artifacts. Acquire some violent habits from electronic games. Paper journalism has disappeared in the presence of the electronic press, which is characterized by the rapid transmission of news. Difficulty in verifying information and news due to multiple sources and fast spread. Health damage due to technology addiction and availability at an individual time. Laziness and obesity. The lack of justice in education due to the tyranny of technology over the educational process, which led to the injustice of some poor areas that do not bear the cost of the equipment. The domination of some civilizations and languages over others, where American culture became dominant among the youth. Weapons of mass destruction have evolved so that the destruction of the world is possible.
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