Eye wrinkle tips
People face many aesthetic problems with aging, and the wrinkles that appear under the eyes are among the most important, and that is the result of the melting of the collagen layer and the fat under the skin, but these wrinkles may also appear at an early age due to many factors, such as continuous exposure to sunlight, Or for cold weather, in addition to doing facial expressions continuously, such as laughter and nervousness, except for following an unhealthy diet and others, where people with these wrinkles seek to get rid of them by all means, and we will discuss in this article to talk about how to get rid of them in natural ways.
Ways to prevent eye wrinkles
Use a sunscreen, a little of this cream should be placed under the eyes to delay the appearance of wrinkles around them.
Avoid smoking, as smoking produces enzymes that break down collagen and elastin necessary to maintain skin health. When these two substances decrease, wrinkles begin to appear around the eyes very quickly.
Sleeping for enough hours at night, as this leads to having healthy and beautiful skin, and less prone to wrinkles.
Avoid sleeping on the abdomen, or pleurisy, as this makes you vulnerable to wrinkles, so it is preferable to sleep on the back, in order to avoid facial pressure on the pillow, and thus causing facial wrinkles to appear.
Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, as they contain a high percentage of antioxidants, which enhances the health of the skin and protects the skin from the appearance of wrinkles.
Be careful not to sleep with makeup, as this closes the pores, and thus leads to wrinkles.
Natural recipes to get rid of eye wrinkles
olive oil
Olive oil is considered a rich source of anti-oxidants, as these antigens work to fight the roots that harm the skin, so we massage the area of wrinkled skin with olive oil, where it regenerates cells, moisturizes the skin, and we can also mix a few drops of olive oil with glycerin, then massage the skin Mixture twice a day.
The ring
Fenugreek contains many vitamins and minerals that contribute to treating wrinkles, soak the fenugreek seeds in water for twelve hours, then grind them until we form a paste, then put the dough on the face, leave it for an entire night, and then wash it with lukewarm water in the morning, and we can Also, we wash the face with boiling water with fenugreek seeds.
The carrots are stimulated by the production of collagen that keeps the skin soft and healthy. Boil two grains of carrots, then mash them, add a little honey to them, mix them well, then put the mixture on the face, and leave it for thirty minutes, after which we wash it with lukewarm water.
the banana
Mash a bean of banana, then put it on the face for thirty minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water.
We bless a slice of pineapple on the skin, then leave the face for twenty minutes, after which we wash it with warm water, and we can also put green pineapple juice on the face, leave it for five minutes, then wash it, and repeat this recipe daily.
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