bapys heat
Baby's heat
The child's normal temperature is about 37.5 degrees Celsius, but sometimes it rises due to many reasons, including influenza, stomach infections, the presence of immune system disorders, urinary infections, cancer, and the presence of infections in the middle ear, and may be accompanied by some Side effects such as headache, nausea, and pain are severe in all parts of the body, so the mother begins to search for natural recipes to reduce the temperature of her baby, and this is what we will mention in this article. [1]
Recipes to reduce the temperature of the child
Some common prescriptions for lowering a child's temperature include: [2]
Coldwater: dip a cloth with cold water, leave it until it is completely wet, then squeeze it to get rid of the accumulated water inside, put it on the child's head, and leave it for five minutes, and the process can be repeated until the temperature drops.
Boiled basil: put a tablespoon of ground basil, and a teaspoon of each: natural honey, ground ginger in a glass of water and mixing, and give it to the child twice a day.
Basil and black pepper: Put a teaspoon of each of ground basil, and ground black pepper in a quarter cup of hot water and mixing, then filter the mixture and leave it to cool, and then give it to the child twice daily.
Apple cider vinegar: Put two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of natural honey in a glass of water and mix, then give it to the child twice daily.
Garlic: put a teaspoon of each of ground cloves, and chopped garlic in a cup of boiling water and mixing, and then set aside to cool, and then give it to the child at least twice a day.
Garlic and olive oil: Mix two tablespoons of olive oil, and two cloves of garlic, crushed in a bowl, then apply the mixture on the child's feet, wrap them with a piece of gauze, and leave them for at least eight hours.
Raisins: Put a tablespoon of raisins inside a glass of water, leave it for two hours or until the raisins are tender, then remove it from the water and puree it well, and then serve it to the child.
Ginger: Put a teaspoon of ground ginger and half a teaspoon of natural honey in a cup of warm water and mix, then give it to the child four times a day.
Boiled mint: put a teaspoon of fresh finely chopped mint, and natural honey in a cup of boiling water and mixing, then give it to the child three times a day.
Egg whites: Whisk three whites well in a bowl, then dip a cloth in the mixture, put it on the child's head, and leave it for five minutes, and the process can be repeated until the heat is lowered.
Ground Turmeric: Mix a teaspoon of ground turmeric and half a teaspoon of ground black pepper into a cup of warm milk, then give it to the child twice daily.
General advice
Among the tips to follow when a child's temperature rises are: [3]
If the child is less than four months old, it is preferable not to use any of the aforementioned mixtures, but rather to be taken to the doctor as soon as possible.
It is preferable not to give the child cold food.
Be careful not to shower the child with very cold water.
It is preferable to give the child an est.
Give the child vitamin C.
A child's temperature can be measured with a thermometer by inserting it into the rectum or mouth.
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