Beneficial yeast for the face

The thinnest of the face is one of the most prominent problems that affect the beauty of the face and its attractiveness, and there are many reasons that lead to this problem such as genetic factors, lack of healthy food intake, insomnia, and fatigue, etc., and natural mixtures can be followed to treat this problem, avoiding surgeries, and creams  There are many different things on the market because they can lead to side effects, and in this article, we will talk about how to use instant yeast to fatten the face.

Yeast and fenugreek

Put a teaspoon of each of yogurt, instant yeast rose water, and a pinch of ground fenugreek in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mixture on the face and leave it for at least two hours, and then wash it with water, and it is recommended to repeat the recipe twice a week to get the desired result.

Yeast and honey

Put a tablespoon of each of natural honey, yogurt, and instant yeast, and a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice in a bowl and mix, then put the mixture on the skin and leave it for at least twenty minutes, and then wash it with water, preferring to repeat the mixture three times a week to get  desired result.

Yeast and yogurt

Put a tablespoon of each of instant yeast, baking powder, yogurt, and natural honey in a bowl and mix, then put the mixture on the face and leave it for at least an hour, and then wash it with water, and it is preferred to repeat the mixture three times a week to get the desired result.

Yeast and starch

Put a teaspoon of each of yeast dissolved in water, cornstarch, yogurt, baby powder, pure olive oil, sour yogurt, plus half a teaspoon of rose water in a bowl and mixing, then put the mixture on the face and leave it for at least thirty minutes and then wash it off with water, and it is preferable to repeat the mixture twice a week to get the desired result.

Yeast and saffron

Lay an egg white, half a teaspoon of each of saffron filaments, instant yeast in a bowl and mixing, then put the mixture on the face and leave it for at least an hour, and then wash it with water.

Yeast and oats

Put a quarter cup of liquid milk, and a tablespoon of each of instant yeast, cornstarch, and two tablespoons of each of lemon juice, oatmeal ground into a bowl and mixing, then apply the mixture on the face and leave for at least thirty minutes, and then wash it with water.

Always drink water, preferably eight glasses a day.
Avoid smoking as much as possible, because smoking causes the face to sag.
Removing makeup with the designated tissues before going to sleep.
Use sunscreen before leaving the house.
Use a moisturizing face cream.
Eat a handful of nuts a day, as it, in turn, helps to maintain the freshness of the face.
Gently tweak the cheeks, as it helps the cheeks appear fuller.
Make sure to do yoga exercises daily for the face.
