colon bactera
Colon bacteria: It is a type of bacteria that lives in the intestines of animals and humans without causing any problems, but there are certain types or strains that may lead to food poisoning. There is also one strain is E. coli O157: H7 that leads to Severe food poisoning, intestinal bleeding, affecting blood and kidneys, and in some cases, may affect the central nervous system.
Colon bacteria transmission methods
Meat or poultry comes into contact with natural bacteria present in the intestines of animals when it is cut and prepared for shipment, our hands come into contact with bacteria in the intestine, then deal with meat, or do not wash hands when leaving the bathroom and deal with meat and poultry.
Food is treated with unsafe methods during transportation or storage.
Lack of attention to personal hygiene and washing hands well with warm soapy water before eating and before dealing with meat and poultry and after that.
Prepare food in unclean containers or use cutting boards or unclean items.
Eat dairy products and mayonnaise-containing salads after they expire.
Eat frozen foods without being properly and properly heated, or stored at an inappropriate temperature.
Eat shellfish and raw fish.
Eat fruits and vegetables without washing them.
Eat raw or undercooked meat or eggs.
Drinking contaminated water.
A person's hand contaminated with bacteria.
Drink unpasteurized milk and juice.
Symptoms of colon bacteria
Symptoms of colon bacteria occur when they enter the intestine. The incubation period, that is, between infection and the onset of symptoms ranges between 24-72 hours, and severe diarrhea is one of the most common symptoms. The injury also includes other symptoms such as:
Swelling and gas.
Stomach cramping and acute pain in the abdomen.
Fever and high fever.
Vomiting, urine redness, pallor of the skin, and rapid bruising in rare cases.
Colon bacteria treatment
The symptoms of colon bacteria infection are recovered in most cases within a few days, that is, about five to ten days. Doctors during this period are advised to rest completely and avoid any effort, and to drink more fluids to avoid dehydration, and to take medications that alleviate the symptoms, as it is advised By drinking rehydration solutions by mouth to replace fluids, minerals, and salts that the body lost during diarrhea and vomiting, and in some very severe cases, the patient is given fluids intravenously.
Eating contaminated food or drinks may cause colon bacteria, so what are the symptoms? :
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