corona virus
Coronavirus, known as the coronavirus, or human coronavirus, has been so named in relation to its appearance in the form of a crown under a microscope, which is a virus that attacks the human respiratory system, as it causes a person to experience a high temperature, accompanied by severe coughing, difficulty In breathing, the disease is not limited to humans, but rather affects animals but in a fierce manner, as it does not attack their respiratory system, but rather develops into the nervous system and the digestive system, as animals are subject to multiple disorders, for example, corona disease leads to hepatitis in rats. And infections of the digestive system to the Pigs, and respiratory infections in birds.
Coronavirus originates in DNA and ranks second in diseases that cause colds after the Rhinoviruses. The SARS virus is one of its strains, and it is known for the acute respiratory syndrome, which has spread clearly in Asia.
Corona disease transmission methods
Coronavirus is transmitted from one person to another through direct contact, where studies have shown that people with this disease are in groups, which confirms that a viral infection is transmitted from the infected person to a healthy person, and when the virus spread in its beginnings, scientists were not aware of how it spread And infection, as it was not serious, and did not spread significantly as an infectious disease. Scientists were not able to reach certain results on how the virus spread, except that the infection is transmitted from an infected person to a healthy one as follows:
The virus spreads by carrying air to spray the person's coughing and sneezing.
Direct contact between the sick and healthy person, and by approaching him, by shaking hands, using the patient's tools such as a napkin or towel, or utensils, touching the door handle, or touching the eye, nose, or mouth.
Corona symptoms
Feeling of mild heat in the body.
Multiple seizures, which are similar to a common cold.
Coughing, and stuffy nose caused by a cold.
A feeling of severe headache, and spasms in the body.
Sore throat with severe congestion.
Symptoms of the disease are added to reach acute lung inflammation, atrophy of the alveoli, and swelling of the lung tissue.
An infected person may get into the worst condition as a result of kidney failure.
The Coronavirus prevents oxygen from reaching the blood and prevents its transmission to the body, causing a lack of functioning in the organs, leading to the inevitable death.
Corona treatment
Corona disease is like other viral diseases, which are self-fighting through the immune system. Antibiotics do not help in treating viruses, as an infected person can take analgesics and hypothermia, and cough medicines to reduce its severity. The World Health Organization also confirmed that there is no specific vaccine available. For this disease, prevention is the best treatment.
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